Drip or Drop

One word to describe Sista Afia?

“It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out”….it is true that beauty comes from within but in my own words I will say you (Sista Afia) are not staying positive. Maybe you think you not doing anything but HEY you are degrading womanhood with your style of fashion.

See my dear lady, if you want to go naked just do and stop covering and leaving some parts of your body. What it simply takes to be a woman is not anything huge, it’s just the covering of oneself.

Bare in mind that African fashion is totally different from the western culture and their mode of fashion. If not anything at all just ask yourself, If your daughter was to dress like that for a function and encountered something bad back on her way home, how will you feel after learning of what happened to her?

We are in a democratic world where everybody does what he/ she pleases but at the end, let’s ask ourselves what are we impacting on the youth, the next future leaders.

Unless you not a CELEBRITY but once you claim yourself as one, you must play those roles of a celebrity, understand what that word means and try to live by it.

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